Rabu, 02 November 2011

Steps in Constructing and Administering a Research Questionnaire

In this section we describe the major steps in carrying out a research study using a questionanaire : (1) defining research objectives, (2) selecting a sample, (3) designing the questionnaire format, (4) pretesting the questionnaire, (5) precontacting the sample, (6) writing a cover letter and distributing the questionnaire, (7) following up with nonrespondents, and (8) analyzing questionnaire data.

Step 1 : Defening research Objectives

Some researchers develop a questionnairebefore they have thoroughly considered what they hope to obtain from the results. It is important that you define your research problem and list the specific objectives to be achieved. Or hypotheses to be tested, by the questionnaire. You might start with a broad topic (e,g,, teacher involvement in staff development) but you should sharpen its focus before beginning on the design if questionnaire.

D.A. deVaus suggeste five types of question that you can ask yourself for this purpose. The are started below in relation to the above-mentioned topic. Techers involvement in staff development :
  1. what the time frame of your interest? Are you interested in teschers current involvement in staff development, or do you want to study trends in their involvement over a period of years?
  2. what is the geographical location of your interest? Do you want to study teachers in a particular state or region. Or do you want to compare teachers in differen locations?
  3. are you interested in a broed descriptive study or do you want to specify and compare different subgroups? For example, will you compare elementary, middle school, and high school teachers, or will you study teachers in general?
  4. what aspect of the topic do you want to study? Are you interested in teachers involvement in particular types of staf development  activities, whether their involvement is mandatory or voluntary, or the amount of involvement over a given time period?
  5. How abstract is your interest? For example, are you interested in reporting facts, or do you want to interpret the information, relate it to a broad social context, or develop theory from the findings?
In describing the steps involved in conducting a questionnaire study, we shall refer to a study by Corrine Glesne and Rodman Webb. These researchers were interested in tracking the growing emphasis on qualitative research in higher education in the United State. They wanted to determine who teaches qualitative research methods courses, the content of their courses, and their teching method. Their questionnaire was designed to obtain this information :
The survey (questionnaire) asked about the training and academic background of qualitative research professors, content ofcourse, program requerements. And faculty perceptions of and interaction with students pursing qualitative research dissertations.
Glense and Webb noted the irony of basing a study about the taching of qualitative research methods courses on a quantitatively-oriented questionnaire survey. They chose to use questionnaires anyway because of their usefulness in collecting both closed and open-ended information from a widespread sample.

Step 2 : Selecting a Sample

Once your research objectives or hypotheses are clearly stated, you should identify the target population from wich your sample will be selected. (this and other sampling technique are described in chapter 6) if you do not have thorough knowledge of the situation, you might make a mistake of sending you questionnaire to a group that does not have the desired information. For example, a graduate student seeking data on school financial policies sent questionnaires to principals of elementary and secondary schools. Many of the returned questionnaires were incomplete, and view specific facts of the short wanted were obtained. This questionnaire failed because at that time the school superintendent and district specialists handled most matters concerning school finance. Because the principals who received the questionnaire had little specific knowledge about the topic, they were unable to supply the information requested.
The salience of the questionnaire content to the respondents (i.e., how important or prominent a concern it is of them)affects both the accuracy of the information received and the rate of response. A review of 181 studies using questionnaires judged to be “salient,” possibly salient,” or “nonsalient” to the respondentrevealed that the return rate averaged 77 percentfor the salirnt studies, 66 percent for the those judged possibly salient, and only 42 percent for those nonsalient. These finding suggest the need to selest a sample for whom your questionnaire items will be highly salient.
In the study by Glesne and Webb, the researchers gained acces to a mailing list for the international journal of qualitative studies in education, which is major journal publishing qualitative research studies. They then sent a copy of their questionnaire to 360 proffesors whose names were the journals mailing list. The researchers commented :
This was, admittedly, a fishing-net approach. Our assumption was that this readership would include people who teach qualitative research methods courses, and not everyone on the list taught such courses.
Using this admittedly biased sampling approach, they received usable questionnaires from 73 respondents in 37 different states. The sample included 40 men and 33 women. Twenty-five held the title of professor; 28 the title of associate professor, 18 the title of assistant professor, and 2 title of lecturer.

Step 3 : Designing the Questionnaire

Some research questionnaires appear to have been thrown together in an hour or two. The some experience of receiving these haphazard questionnaires has led many educators to depelov negative attitudes about the questionnaire as a research approach, and so they deposit them in the recycling box with little more than a quick glance. You will need to overcome these negative attitudes by careful construction and administration of your questionaire. Figure 8.1 summarizes guidelines for designing questionnaires. These guidelines are based on research findings about factors that influence questionnaire return rate.

In most educational studies, respondents are asked to identify themselves, but anonymity migh be necessary if highly personal or threathning information is requested. A questionnaire cdealing with sexual behavior, for example, might receave more honest responses if the respondents remain anonymous.
The major problem with anonymous questionnaires is that follow-ups to improve the return rate are impossible. There are several solutions to this problem. One is to create a master code sheet that contains a code for each individual in the sample. The codes are put one the questionnaires. When an individual return the questionnaire, the researcer can check off that person’s name on the master code sheet. After a designated period of time, the researcer can determine which individuals have not returned their questionnaires and send them a new questionnaire.
The method is not completely anonymous, because the researcher can link the questionnaire (which has the code on it) to the individual’s name by referring to the master code sheet. For complete anynomity, a variation of this approach can be used. The researcher send each individual a prepaid postcard separately. The postcard tells the researcher that this individual has completed the questionnaire, but he does not know which of the returned questionnaires belong to that individual.

Item Form

Writing items for questionnaires (and for interviews, too) may seem straighforward, but it is actually an art form. You need to be able to write succinctly and clearly. This is no easy matter. More importantly, you need to have a good understanding of your respondents so nthat you can use language that they understand, so that you can obtain all the information you need without exhausting their patience, and so that the items engage their interest ang willingness to respont honestly.
A major difficulty in constracting questionnaire items is that educational terms often have multiple meanings. For example, the terms charter school, standards-based educational, and teacher empowerment may mean different things depending on the individual educator and the region in which she works. If you use such a term in a questionnaire item, it is highly advisable to include a definition that corresponds to your researcher objectives. For example, suppose a researcher is interested in educator responses to the charter school movement, not as it is occuring nationnaly but within the state being studied. Given this objective, the item might read: “The state department of education adopted a statute in 2001 that allows school districts to start charter schools, which are defined as schools that receive district funding but are administered indefendently, albeit with mandatory conformance to standard of the state department of education. What is the current status of charter schools of this type in your district?”
A questionnaire item can be either closed form, meaning that the question permits only prefecified responses ( similar to a multiple-choice question), or open form, meaning that respondents can make any response they wish (similar to an essay question). Which form to use is determined by the objective of the particular question. Evidence on the relative merits to closed and open questions, however, suggests that the two formats produce similar information.
The advantage of designing question in closed form is that it makes quantification and analysis of result easier. For example, suppose you wish to know the size of the teacher’s home town. Probably the least useful way to ask  the question is: What is your home town? This question  requires that you be able to read each teacher’s response and then look it up in an atlas to determine the population. A some what better question would be: What is the population in your home town? In this case you could classify the responses into population categories such as those used by the U.S. Census Bureau. A still better approach would be to ask: What is the population in your home town? (Check one), and provide the following reswponse choices:
                   rural, unincorporated
                   incorporated, under 1000
                   1,000 to 5,000
                   2,500 to 5,000
                   5,000 to 10,000
                   10,000 to 50,000
                   50,000 to 250,000
                   over 250,000
                   don’t know
This item requires little effort on your part to analyze the data, and also minimal effort from the respondents.
To determine the multiple-choice categories to use in closed-form questions, you can pillot-test the question by the asking it in open form of a small number of respondents. Their answer can be used to develop in categories for the closed-form item. If you can un-usual responses, an “other” option can be provided.
In the questionnaire study on the teaching of qualitative research. Glesne and Webb began by interviewing several qualitative researchers about their training, teaching, and research. They used the interview information to develop an open-ended pilot questionnaire, and sent it to six professor of qualitative research. Feedback indicated that the open-ended question were interesting, but time-consuming. There was a concern that few professors would take the hour or more needed to complete the questionnaire. Based on this feedback, the researchers redesigned the questionnaire into a closed-form format, with open-ended optionsattached to most items.

Measuring Attitudes

Questionnaire typically contains item each of which elicits a different bit of information. In effect, each item is a one-items test is quite satisfactory when you are seeking  a spesific fact, such as number of years of full-time teaching experience, the number of wins and losses during a particular football coach’s tenure, or the proportion of students failing intermediate algebra. When question assess attitudes, however, the one-item test approach is questionable with respect to both validity and reability. A questionnaire that measures attitudes generally must be constructed as an attitude scale and must use a substantial number of items (usually at least 10) in order to obtain a reliable assessment of an individuals’ attitude.
If you are planningto collect information about attitudes, you should first do a search of the research literature to determine wether a scale suitable for your purposes already  has been constructed. If a suitable scale is not available, you will need to develop one. Likert scales, which typically ask for the extent of agreement with an attitude item (for example, a five point scale ranging from “strongly disagree”) are a common type of attitude scale.
If you develop an attitude scale for your questionnaire study, you should pilot-test it in order to check its reliability and validity. Also, the pilot test should determine wether individuals in the sample have sufficient knowledge and understanding to express meaningful opinion abot the topic. Otherwise, their responses to the attitude scale will be of questionable value.
One method of dealing with respondents who lack familiarity with a topic is to include  a “no opinion” option as one  of the response alternatives for each attitude item. Even still, individuals with little or no information about the topic  might  express  an opinion  in order to conceal their ignorance, or because they feel social fressure to express a particular opinion. For example, Irving Allen conducted questionnaire study of respondents attitudes’ toward individuals and organizations that were the subject of considerable media attention at the time. The respondents could express a favorable or unfavorable attitude using sax Likert-type categories, or they could use a seventh category to express no knowledge of a particular individual or organization. Ten percent of the sample expressed a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward a fictitious organization, about which it was impossible for them to have any knowledge! The subject respondingto the fictitious item were more likely to express attitudes toward the other organizations and individuals listed on the questionnaire than to check the “don’t know” category, and to express more favorable attitudes.
As we stated above, a “no opinion” option for each attitude item might alleviate the problem identified in Allen’s study. Another strategy is to include several information questions at the beginning that can be used to screen out respondents who display little or no knowledge of the topics being studied.

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